As previously reported, on November, 15, 2022, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) opened a docket to receive public comments on the continuation of tariffs in the Section 301 investigation of China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation.  The questionnaire form provides sections for comments on both economy-wide and sector-specific comments, as well as a section for commenting on a particular tariff heading currently covered by the trade actions (Lists 1, 2, 3, and 4A).  The USTR also continues to seek feedback on, among other matters, the effectiveness of the actions in achieving the objectives of the investigation, other actions that could be taken, and the effects of such actions on the U.S. economy.

All comments must be submitted via the online portal at on Docket No. USTR-2022-0014. The portal will allow for the submission of Business Confidential Information (BCI). The USTR will post submissions in the docket for public inspection, except for BCI filings. The docket will close on January 17, 2023. At a later date, the USTR will evaluate whether to provide further opportunities for public comment through additional written comments or by holding public hearings.

In early September 2022, the USTR confirmed that domestic industries had reported benefiting from the tariffs and that such tariffs would continue during the review process (see Update of September 6, 2022). For more details on the initiation of these reviews and the public comment period, see Updates of May 3, 2022, October 13, 2022, and November 2, 2022.